Legal Cloud ComputingYou may have heard that cloud computing provides the ability to compete on a new level.  And compete you must.  The legal profession, just like others, is looking for new ways to compete. You must keep up with your peers in order to survive, and by embracing technology you can gain a competitive edge.  However, as a reputed legal advisor, to take advantage of this benefit, you must educate yourself about cloud computing or your reputation could be at stake.

Cloud Computing Provides Many Advantages

Cloud computing, and storage in particular, offers you the ability to save your data and confidential client files in a secure Internet-based storage system.  The days of storing data on a local drive or server are gone.

But, imagine how much easier your life will be.

  • You can access data using an iPad or tablet when you’re in a courtroom,
  • Take a deposition while sitting in an airport lounge, and
  • Share files with your partners across the globe.

Plus with cloud storage you can bridge all your devices and transfer files between computers, laptops, iPads/tablets, and smartphones.

Fuelled Networks can help store information in remote, secure data centers that you can access from anywhere you have an Internet connection and a computer device.

Worried About Security? You Should Be!

To take advantage of cloud computing you must navigate ongoing threats to your clients’ information security. You are responsible —no one else. When storing and accessing data on the cloud, you need expert guidance so you won’t risk your clients’ confidential information.

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Your best bet is to contact Fuelled Networks.  We have the skills and expertise to secure your clients’ data and ensure you meet privacy and legal regulations.

The American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct, along with state ethics rules, provide the following guidance:

  • As an attorney you have the duty to make reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to your client.
  • You will not be in violation if you have made reasonable efforts to prevent the access or disclosure.
  • Determining reasonableness includes:
    • The sensitivity of the information,
    • The likelihood of its disclosure if safeguards are not used, and
    • The cost and difficulty of employing safeguards.
  • You must take reasonable precautions to prevent client information from getting into the hands of unintended recipients.  
  • You must perform periodic reviews of the technology you use to confirm if there are more secure means of protecting your clients’ data.

Again, your best bet is to contact Fuelled Networks.  We have the knowledge and experience to help you secure your clients’ data and ensure you meet privacy regulations.

Life Is Better In The Cloud!

Regardless of the above concerns, the benefits of cloud computing far outweigh the pain of due diligence.  Plus Fuelled Networks can help to ensure you are meeting all your due-diligence requirements in regards to securing your clients’ confidential data.  For more information contact us by calling (613) 828-1384 or sending us an email at:

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