Need A Vendor Management Quote For Your Dental Office?

With your dental practice growing, your technology needs are changing. What this HR Manager discovered along the way became an education in confusion until she met Fuelled Networks.

Employer Tasks The Wrong Person

Candice was beside herself. As the Human Resources manager for multiple dental offices, her employer tasked her to get several quotes for full Managed IT support and Vendor Management services for the entire company.

The problem was, she didn’t know what those services were or where to look. When it came to any technology problems, she contacted Leo, a local retired computer technician. He took care of any minor technical issues. Beyond that, her company had a number to a help desk for software problems.

Need An IT Vendor Management Quote For Your Dental Office_

That’s When We Got The Call

When we received the call from Candice, she sounded tired and frustrated. Every IT company she contacted only confused her more. They’d ask questions about the server imaging software, the X-ray sensors, workstations, and operatories.

She got all kinds of advice and quotes, but she was more confused at the end of each call. The more she spoke about the different interactions with IT companies, I realized no one asked her how they could help her.

If you’ve never called to get quotes for full Managed IT support and Vendor Management services, be prepared. You will hear big technical words, long explanations about this procedure, or that protocol before someone is ready to give you a quote.

Here’s What We Offered

Instead of giving Candice a quote and adding more confusion to her day, I suggested we come out to her location for a brief consultation. I mentioned that many of our clients have dental or orthodontist practices. We found that most have a different setup.

By permitting us an up-close view of what her employer wanted, she was guaranteed a fair assessment. Offering her an onsite meeting would allow us to give her a quote based on what we discovered. She was shocked to hear this. None of the other companies offered to sit with her, so we set up a meeting time.

That’s What You Should Expect

If you’re a dentist reading this article, you probably own or manage a dental office. In your practice, you use advanced technologies. As your organization grows, you have to update your equipment, retire some, rely on software vendors, and remain current on compliance requirements.

With that growth, there comes a time where contacting an IT company regarding full Managed IT support and Vendor Management services is required. When that day comes, you expect that provider to meet with you and learn how they can help you with your IT needs.

Here’s How You Can Prepare For That Meeting

Your end goal is to receive a quote from the IT company. But to get there here’s what you need to know to eliminate any confusion.

  • Step 1. Call and request an onsite meeting. No professional Ottawa IT company can reasonably give you an honest quote over the phone. You want them to look at your dental IT set up. You also want them to assess if your hardware or software meets current industry standards and regulatory compliances.
  • Step 2. Ask questions over the phone and write down the answers. You want to know if the provider offers complimentary onsite consultations. Ask what their background is regarding dental technologies and software. Inquire about their technical training and the person arriving and if they are a senior technician. Lastly, ask the provider what they want you to have available at the meeting.
  • Step 3. Prepare for the meeting. Assign at least one or more members of your team to be in attendance with you. If you are the owner or decision-maker, have another staff member, preferably a management team member, taking notes and asking questions. Create a list of technologies you’re using and the software packages in use. Do not schedule any dental procedures that will conflict with the time and date you meet with the provider.

Are You Ready To Meet Ottawa’s Premiere Dental IT Consultants?

When you’re looking for full Managed IT support and Vendor Management services for your dental practice. Fuelled Networks is here to help you get the quote you need and the service you deserve.

Click here to get started or call us at (613) 828-1384.

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