SEO in 2014Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has evolved and matured. It is still an effective online marketing strategy for most businesses today.

The following are the top SEO best practices to use to get the “hits” on your website that you’re looking for.

  • Don’t use spam anchor text. Anchor text appears in highlighting within a hypertext link.  Marketers often insert desired keywords in anchor test.  However, the newest Google algorithms have put a stop to this.  Anchor test can actually backfire on you.  So ensure you don’t use it.
  • Differentiate your business to stand out. Make sure you stand out from the crowd.  Bring something new to your prospects.
  • Get your “peeps on board with your SEO goals. Work closely with employees to ensure they buy into your business goals.  Get them “on board” to ensure they support your efforts.
  • Vanity be gone. Stay focused on your business goals, and nothing else.
  • Watch out for links.  Focus on your SEO strategy, and consider the tactics you use.  Your site should generate links on its own without having to go after them.
  • Be the solution.  Answer your customer’s questions. Interact with them.  Provide solutions to their dilemmas.  It sounds simple, and it is.  But it’s effective.

For an in-depth explanation, or for more information about how to use SEO tactics effectively, contact Fuelled Networks at (613) 828-1384, or  We’ll be happy to provide you a no cost, no-obligation consult.

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