MalwareAre you worried your system may be infected with Malware? Sometimes despite our best efforts and security measures, things can go awry. After making sure your system is up to date, your security updates are installed, and that you’re always careful with what emails and links you’re opening, your system may still show signs of malware infection.

Below is a list of malware infection symptoms to take note of when determining if your system has been infected or not.

  1. Virus Popup Boxes

Popup boxes are usually one of the sole determining factors that your system has been infected. This is especially true when those popup boxes are warning you that you have a virus, and urging you to click on them to fix the problem.

  1. Lethargic System Performance

If you’re used to a normal to faster paced performance from your system, and notice a significant loss in the performance speed you may be infected with malware. Additionally, if after rebooting your system, you still notice a significant loss in speed, it is a probable sign that your system has been infected.

  1. Anti-Virus Turns Off Automatically

Some malware is designed to avoid being detected by your security programs. One of its best defense strategies is to shutdown the software responsible for keeping your system free of viruses. If you notice your anti-virus keeps shutting off, accompanied with other malware symptoms, it is likely that your system is infected.

  1. Banned IP

While you’re surfing the web, if you notice that you keep getting blocked messages saying your IP has been banned, you have most-likely been infected with malware. In addition to the infection, this symptom also indicates your computer has been taken over by one of the botnets, and is being used by others for further viral purposes.

  1. Constantly Active Hard Disk

When your system is free of malware and you are lightly using its services, your hard disc indicator light will flash occasionally. If however, the light is at a constant flare it means your hard drive is constantly working away at something. This symptom accompanied by others mentioned above, is a definite indicator or malware infection.

Do any of these symptoms sound like the activity going on in your system? If so, don’t hesitate taking full security measures to rid yourself of the infection, even if it means involving a professional. Sometimes these things are tricky to handle all on our own. Don’t wait, save your system today!

For more information on malware infection and how to ensure you have the best safety protocols and precautions in place for your business, contact our team at Fuelled Networks. You can give us a call at (613) 828-1384 or send us an email at Don’t allow cyber threats to tarnish the reputation and success of your business!

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