Ransomware is increasing its rate of attacks in both 2015 and 2016. The FBI has issued warnings to protect data and computers against cyber attacks. Discover what is new in emerging ransomware and why the onus is still on you.

Ransomware’s emerging threats are not only dangerous, but they are also oddly baffling too. How secure is your computer or your businesses when it comes to cyber threats? Even with new laws in California that empower the state’s prosecutors to charge the developers and those who use ransomware to extort money with a crime, the onus of protecting ourselves remains on us.


Ransomware and its Growth

Ransomware has been around for a while, and in the last couple of years, it has become a major cybersecurity risk. So much so that the FBI is warning people and business to protect themselves. Ransomware is technology driven. It evolves much like other software does to meet the needs of a consuming society.

It used to be that the end-user had to click a link or click on a photograph to activate a ransomware attack. Not so anymore. Now ransomware works via legitimate sites by taking advantage of weakness in a website or programs coding. Remember the debacle when Microsoft stopped supporting Microsoft XP? The fear then was that without renewed patches that hackers would take over those older machines. Patches or lack of upgrades to software make every site vulnerable.

The deal with ransomware is that it is technology driven. It evolves to take advantage of weaknesses in software. If companies and software designers are not constantly looking for flaws in the code that they write, then the opportunity for hackers is nearly irresistible. That is part of the reason that the FBI is issuing warnings to be cautious and proactive about cyber security.

The Emerging Threats of Ransomware

The new version of the Koolova Ransomware has people all over the internet scratching their heads. It behaves almost like any other ransomware application, but not entirely. When most ransomware attacks occur, the end-user must pay a fee to gain access to their documents or in some cases, take their machine to a professional for removal of the malignant program. Not so with the new Koolova Ransomware. Its “ransom” is that the end-use must read two articles in a certain amount of time. If the end-user is successful, then the ransomware issues a key that allows access to the computer. If not, it deletes files and operating files. It is the fact that other than reading two articles there is no monetary exchange. It is that difference that has people scratching their heads. The items that must be read educate people about ransomware. It is almost as though this is a helpful form of cancer.

What is clear about the emerging threats from ransomware is that it remains our own vigilance that keeps us safe. Some laws help to prosecute cyber crimes, but those laws do not prevent the crime from happening. They do not restore lost business, lost data, or the missed opportunities that occur when companies lose data.

We began by asking how secure your business is from cyber threats. Knowing the answer to that question is a pivotal part of remaining safe from ransomware and other cyber security issues. For more information about protecting your company info@fuellednetworks.com us. We are Fuelled Networks, and we service businesses in Ottawa. We offer managed IT solutions that help businesses just like yours to remain protected even as new threats emerge. For faster service phone: (613) 828-1384

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