Microsoft is offering an early version of the new Outlook on the web for you to sample. If you open your Outlook Live Mail Inbox, in the top right corner, you should see a “Try the new Outlook” toggle. By clicking the toggle, you’ll open new Outlook on the web modules for Mail, Calendar, and People. Microsoft gives you the option to try it out and go back and forth to the different versions by simply clicking the toggle.

Microsoft Outlook

What’s in the New Version?

As with all change, the adjustment can take a little time, but more often than not, Microsoft makes changes that improve the use of their products and services in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the new updates to help your navigation and adjustment to the new version of Outlook go smoother.

Files and Images are Easier to Find

Nothing is more frustrating than digging around in your email trying to find a file that a colleague or client has sent to you. The new Outlook on the web has made finding files and images much easier. Located on the bottom left you will see a file icon. When you click on the icon only emails that have files attached to them are listed for you. If you are specifically looking for an attached file that is an image, you can narrow your search by clicking on images once you are in the file’s module.

Eliminating the hassle of looking for a file in your inbox is a pretty big deal. Now file finding doesn’t need to be a time-consuming exercise anymore. Make sure you take advantage of the Files module that Microsoft has added in the new Outlook on the web.

Searching for Emails Quickly

Now, with Microsoft’s newest version, Outlook predicts what you’ll be searching for based on your most recent conversations and the customers and team members with whom you communicate and interact the most. The advantage of using all of the Microsoft 365 tools on a daily basis is Microsoft’s advancement in technology gives them the edge by anticipating your moves as you make them. The new intelligent search window will help you find the email you need faster and easier.

Event Creation Simplified in Calendar

You can now quickly add events to your calendar with updated event icons, so you can identify events and see location suggestions to get address details. These eye-catching icons will assist you in recognizing the event before you read all the details of the event. The added visual helps the user in keeping track of their busy schedule with these newly designed event icons.

Outlook’s Suggested Replies

The new Outlook incorporates its intelligent technology to your email by saving you energy and time. The new version will suggest replies that you can click on to quickly respond when you don’t need to type an elaborate response. For example, when your boss gives you a new task, one of the suggested replies could be, “I’m on it.” Click on it, and the email automatically sends the reply in seconds without you having to even click send.

The All-inclusive Add-in Feature

The new Outlook on the web has streamlined how you retrieve add-ins by giving you more control to what you use the most. Outlook add-ins are simply your favorite apps that Outlook allows you to add to your inbox, giving you the ability to accomplish tasks faster. You can save an email straight to your notebook, translate emails quickly, and even pay bills and receive payments with the add-ins. All the popular apps, such as Evernote, Gfycat, Boomerang, MojiLaLa Microsoft Translator, PayPal, GIPHY, and Trello can be added to your inbox.

Better Techniques to Manage Your Groups

Office 365 Groups help you with your group-based collaboration. This service is a vital part of many teams that use Outlook. The new Outlook on the web has improved its current features by offering speedier and easier group creation abilities, richer and sleeker business group cards, and a more user-friendly group email triage. The new version also has some great features such as a group Files view that spotlights group managing in the People module, as well as the latest file actions.

Favorites Stick Out Front and Center

Although many work emails are important, there are those specific emails that you can’t miss. An email from your boss or an important client are both examples of emails that you might want to read right away. The Favorites feature is made for those important messages. You can add specific folders, people, or categories to your Favorites to keep them front and center for your attention.

To learn more about the features included in Outlooks early version, click HERE.

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