Embracing The Hybrid Model

The past six months have created a lot of change and uncertainty across the global marketplace, and companies across industries are trying to figure out the best way to pave a path forward. One solution that many companies are looking to is the hybrid model, which means bringing some employees into the office place, leaving some at home, and having some whose work week will look more blended than it may have in the past.

The hybrid model can promote a safer workplace with social distancing thanks to less crowded offices, but can also provide workers the opportunity to tend to needs at home while still maintaining their ability to focus on projects and collaborate with co-workers. When transitioning to a hybrid model, however, it is important to work with a strong IT service management group to ensure that your company is set up and connected effectively and efficiently to help your business take the next steps forward.

Hybrid Workplace In Ottawa

Considerations on the Hybrid Workplace

The hybrid workplace can make the workweek easier on your employees and if done right, more cost efficient for your business. While the premise may sound simple, it does require a good bit of organization and technological support to do it well.

Here are some things to consider about shifting your workplace to the hybrid model:

  • A cloud system is absolutely imperative. The hybrid model can mean all sorts of things, from flexible schedules to employees working at home or abroad. The cloud is the best way to accommodate this flexibility, making it possible for employees to collaborate on projects and work with one another regardless of where—or when—they are getting a project done. Making it possible for employees to have an easy way to access and upload files that is safe and secure for your business will prevent roadblocks that would otherwise happen as information gets caught in a bottleneck from your traditional server.
  • Employee data security needs to be taken seriously. If employees are being given the option to work remotely, that removes a lot of the control regarding how they are accessing the internet. This could mean that employees are joining public networks to get a few hours of work in while at a public place, and you need to make sure that this doesn’t create a back door into your corporate data.
  • Be proactive with your data migration plan. Shifting data over to a cloud platform can take time, and if you don’t have a plan then you will end up with employees make-shifting transition models to be able to get their job done. This could open you up to security risks. Stay a step ahead by setting up a full, comprehensive digital transformation plan with your IT services team.
  • Make sure you have IT support available around the clock. When employees aren’t working in one place at one time, it opens the door to a wide range of technical issues that can create a roadblock. Your employees need to know they have easy access to IT support to help them with everything from growing accustomed to the new software programs they are utilizing to ensuring that their computers are not subject to malware. Make sure that you have an IT team that is both helpful and accessible to your employees around the clock.

Many businesses are looking to transition to a hybrid model at the moment, and there are a lot of advantages to this plan. Being more flexible with your employees’ hours and workplace can help make sure that projects are still being completed regardless of circumstances outside of your control. However, if you are considering making this transition then you need to make sure you have strong IT support at the ready. Working with a well-established IT services management team can make all the difference in ensuring that your transition to the hybrid model is successful.

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