Your IT Support Company In Ottawa, ON Needs To Protect Your Professional Association From Cybercrime

While cybercrime threats continue to evolve and become more dangerous, cybersecurity standards among the global business community are failing to keep up. In the latest EY Global Information Security Survey surveying close to 1,200 C-level leaders of organizations based all around the world), data reveals the growing gap between cybercriminals and their business world opponents:

  • 56% of organizations surveyed are concerned about the increasing impact of cyber threats on their strategies and plans
  • 87% say they require up to 50% more funding to address increased cyber threats
  • Only 12% say they are likely to detect a sophisticated cyber attack

It is for these reasons that cybersecurity should be a primary concern for you and your IT support company in Ottawa, ON.

Is it?

Ottowa Assocation Attacked With Cybercrime

4 Ways Your IT Support Company In Ottawa, ON Should Help You Secure Your Professional Association

  1. Determine Your Risks
    To start, you need to know what your weaknesses are. The most direct way to do so is to enlist the help of an IT support company in Ottawa, ON – they’ll know what the standards for cybersecurity are, and can assess your Professional Association to determine where you may be lacking. Once you know what the problems are, you can fix them.
  2. Protect Against Human Error
    A majority of cybersecurity technologies offered today include the best in vital software, from firewalls to anti-malware to data encryption and more. However, as important as this technology is, on its own, it simply isn’t enough.

    The key to truly comprehensive cybersecurity is simple, yet often overlooked: the user. This vulnerability is compounded when the user is older, less familiar with new technology, and doesn’t know how to use it in a secure manner.Cybersecurity gimmicks — such as “set it and forget it” firewalls and antivirus software — fail to account for how important the user is. Even the most effective digital security measures can be negated by human error.

    A simple cybersecurity training program will teach your staff how to handle a range of potential situations:

    • How to identify and address suspicious emails, phishing attempts, social engineering tactics, and more.
    • How to use social media without exposing data and other assets to external threats by accident.
    • How to act when they suspect that an attack is occurring or has occurred.
  3. Know How To Respond
    When you suspect an attack has taken place, you need to act quickly. Contrary to popular belief, some businesses take weeks or even months to realize they’ve been penetrated. If you suspect something has occurred, do the following:

    • Make sure all your software is up to date.
    • Scan your systems for virus or malware infections.
    • Disconnect devices from the Internet and perform a factory reset – ideally, your data will all be backed up elsewhere.
    • File a report with the local police and make sure there is a record of the incident.
  4. Plan Ahead
    Consult with your IT support company in Ottawa, ON (if you don’t have one, then get one) and put a plan in place to make sure that your data is protected both in storage and transit. Hackers are looking to capitalize on your members’ confidential data, and you can’t afford a data breach.

    There is a range of flexible and affordable options for this that IT companies can implement for you. You shouldn’t be worried as long as they implement enterprise-based cybersecurity solutions and a layered defense that can automatically block and eliminate the latest threats.

Fuelled Networks will help protect your Professional Association, evaluating and enhancing your cybersecurity. We’ll equip you with robust security measures, deploying security devices like firewalls, patching, antivirus software updates, intrusion, and gateway protection.

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