Joining A Meeting On Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams gives users several ways to join a meeting – check out this week’s episode of Coffee Break With Fuelled to find out how.

In the previous episode of Coffee Break With Fuelled, we showed you how to schedule a meeting in Microsoft Teams. Now that you have that taken care of, we’ll show you the many ways you can join a meeting.

Check out our latest Coffee Break With Fuelled video to learn more:

Microsoft Teams provides several different ways to join meetings, making it easy for different users to find a way that’s most convenient for them. In this video, we break it down into two categories:

Outside Microsoft Teams

  • Click the “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” link in the email invite that was sent when the meeting was scheduled.
  • If you invited someone to the meeting that is not a Microsoft Teams user, they can either call in using the phone number listed in the email invite or click the “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting,” which will prompt them to join via their browser or download the app.

Inside Microsoft Teams

  • Click on the calendar tab, and click the join icon on the meeting.
  • If you click the meeting and bring up the full page, you can also click the “Join” button in the top right-hand corner.
  • Your meetings will also show up under the Chat tab – click the meeting in question, and select the Video icon or Audio icon, depending on how you’d like to join the meeting.

Make sure to keep an eye out for future episodes of Coffee Break With Fuelled, in which we’ll further explore each of Microsoft Teams’ other features in greater detail.

Like this article? Check out the following blogs to learn more:

Coffee Break With Fuelled: Utilizing Microsoft Teams’ Chat Function

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