Why You Should Check Network Infrastructure Before Moving Into New Building

Before moving into a new office building, checking the network infrastructure is a significant step to take. Read this blog to learn more about this topic.  

Whether your business is growing or your lease just ended, it is common for companies to relocate. While many steps need to be taken to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition process, it is common for businesses to forget about one key area that is vital for their success as a company: the network infrastructure.

When moving into a new office building, it’s vital to check the connection:

  • Speed
  • Connectivity
  • Signal range
  • Settings
  • Security
  • Risks
  • And more

While it may sound surprising, this is a common area that is neglected for many businesses–even the ones where the network is one of the essential aspects of day-to-day activities. While companies just assume that the network will work seamlessly, just like it did at the old office, that isn’t always the case. That being said, it’s essential to check the network infrastructure before signing the lease or buying that new office building.

Network Infrastructure Support In Ottawa

Connectivity in Canada

With the expansion of 5G growing rapidly in Canada, many questions are surrounding mobile connectivity in large buildings. Many companies are confused about who is responsible for establishing a dependable mobile connection in large office buildings. This question is a little more challenging to answer than people anticipated.

According to Arie Barendrecht, the chief executive officer for WiredScore, “It’s really hard to tell based on your visit to the office and your conversation with a real estate broker what the connectivity infrastructure is like. It’s much easier to tell the views and the access to public transportation and floorplate and the ceiling heights and all that stuff that we can easily see and touch. But what’s happened historically for years, is that businesses are signing leases and building without knowing what the connectivity is like in the building.”

WiredScore is a company that assesses the internet and cellular connectivity characteristics of buildings, so they know exactly how impactful this issue is for many businesses.

Implementing New Networks

Establishing a network connection has always fallen into the hands of the operator and tenant, but the new networks of today are causing some changes. New networks, especially 5G, require that a landlord installs a more sophisticated infrastructure on-site. Also, since 5G will eventually work on ultra-high frequencies (mmWave) extending into 60+ GHz, the penetration capability will be reduced dramatically. Environmental factors can also play a role; rain and fog can significantly affect signals over long distances.

Given these poor qualities, including other issues regarding a network’s infrastructure, there could be significant problems surrounding 5G connectivity in the coming years. As experts are predicting extreme problems with 5G networks on higher spectrums, companies are becoming more reliant on mobile computing.

Future of Connectivity

As we all are using cellular-connected devices more and more, we must find ways to conquer the challenges associated with connectivity. According to Statista.com, there were 3.46 billion cellular-connected devices used in 2018, and that number jumped to 3.94 in 2019.

As more people are connecting via mobile devices, landlords are looking for ways to ensure their buildings are geared towards this trend. Landlords are searching for ways to “future proof” their properties to ensure that new technology can be integrated seamlessly. Landlords must understand the complexity of network infrastructures, and they also must ensure that their buildings are geared towards the sophisticated networks of today.

Call Fuelled Networks for Network Solutions

Whether you’re a business looking to test network connectivity or you’re a landlord trying to understand more about your network, Fuelled Networks is here to assist. Fuelled Networks has a skilled and experienced team that provides managed IT services and IT consulting for small and large businesses throughout Ottawa, Kingston, and throughout Eastern Ontario, Canada. No matter what network you’re dealing with, we can make sure it’s geared towards your goals.

Call us today to find solutions for your essential IT needs!

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