Coffee Break With Fuelled: Tips For Scheduling Microsoft Teams Meetings

Microsoft Teams offers a range of useful features, many of which make holding a remote video meeting both convenient and simple. Check out this week’s episode of Coffee Break With Fuelled to learn all about scheduling a video meeting on Microsoft Teams.

Regardless of whether you’re in the office or working from home, you and your team need to be able to meet on a regular basis. Have you taken advantage of all the video meeting capabilities offered by Microsoft Teams?

Meeting On Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams allows users to meet with one another while maintaining direct access to the many features offered by the platform, and the fully integrated capabilities of Microsoft 365’s full suite of solutions.

  • Calendar: This function offers a direct way to schedule meetings. By clicking on the calendar tab, you can view scheduled meetings, schedule a new meeting, or even just host an impromptu gathering using the “Meet Now” function. To join a meeting, simply select the meeting and click the Join icon.
  • Meeting Methods: Teams allows you to hold audio or video meetings, as well as share your screen when you need to have everyone look at the same resource.
  • External Contacts: Meeting attendees do not have to have a Microsoft 365 subscription or even an account to take part.

Getting comfortable with the calendar tab’s many meeting-based features will make it easier for you to schedule gatherings with the right people when everyone’s available, and without having to spend much time on it. Microsoft Teams simplifies your scheduling process.

Make sure to keep an eye out for future episodes of Coffee Break With Fuelled, in which we’ll further explore each of Microsoft Teams’ other features in greater detail.

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